Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Passion is Back for Bode Miller

Four years ago at the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Torino, Bode Miller was a lost soul. He spoke with careless arrogance and an evident lack of passion, even casually admitting that he occasionally went skiing while drunk. Bode Miller was clearly the most purely talented American male skiier in the field, but there wasn't a single ounce of fire and motivation in his body. His performance in Italy was a disastrous disappointment. Miller was rightfully derided by many in the Olympic circle for his poor attitude, and his reputation as an elite Olympic athlete took a major hit. Thus, it was satisfyingly striking to witness the arrival of an entirely different Bode Miller at these 2010 Winter Olympic Games in picturesque Vancouver. The incessant narcissism that pervaded Miller's time in Torino has been thoroughly replaced with a proper sense of focus and maturity. Miller has shown himself to be a man of surprising humility in interview after interview, and his performance on the slopes on Monday night confirmed Miller's refreshing metamorphosis.

Sure, Miller may have only won bronze in Monday night's downhill skiing event, but he displayed the type of stirring effort and concentration that was amiss four years ago. Miller delivered a very clean, efficient run, evidence that he has come to Vancouver prepared to make headlines with his skiing rather than with his off-the-mountain behavior. After the race, Miller spoke with a keen sense of perspective, not exactly thrilled with a bronze medal finish, but ultimately happy with his effort. With more events on the horizon for Miller during these Games, it would not be the slightest bit surprising if he manages to somehow snag a gold medal.

Bode Miller has been continuously portrayed as a villain over the course of the last few years, and justifiably so. But it is now time for Miller to win back the hearts of those that he so badly let down four years ago. After these Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Bode Miller will no longer be the villain. His passion is back; this time for good.

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