Thursday, February 18, 2010

NBA Trade Deadline Winners and Losers, and the Awesomeness of the Olympics

The NBA Trade Deadline was today, and while some teams immediately bolstered their chances at winning it all, other teams squandered a major opportunity. Here are my trade deadline winners and losers:


Cleveland Cavaliers: The Cavs were already the best team in the NBA, with the best player in the league. But a lack of sufficient support surrounding LeBron James would have been a worrisome weakness come playoff time. Add Antawn Jamison to the mix, and that problem is solved. Jamison is a terrific player, especially on the offensive end, and he will take some of the load off of King James' shoulders. Coach Mike Brown struggles at times with his offensive gameplan, but all he has to do now is sit back and let LeBron and Antawn work their magic. G.M. Danny Ferry had been in pursuit of Amare Stoudamire, but Jamison makes for a better fit in Cleveland than Amare anyways. The fact that the Cavs were able to acquire a big-name player without parting ways with supremely talented rookie J.J. Hickson makes this trade all the more sweet for Cleveland.

Boston Celtics: The Celtics still remain well back of the Cavs in terms of championship potential this season, but credit Danny Ainge for making a move to keep the Celtics in the title hunt. Boston has looked like a bunch of aging veterans this season, but the addition of Nate Robinson gives the C's some much-needed youth and athleticism. Robinson clashed with Mike D'Antoni in New York, but his reputation as an immature player is unfair. Here is a guy who just loves to play the game of basketball, and he was justifiably upset in New York over Coach D'Antoni's stubborn refusal to grant him playing time. Robinson is a much better player than most people realize; he can do much more than just dunk. Now that he is in a winning environment, Robinson will be a rejuvenated force off the bench for Doc Rivers. The loss of the reliable Eddie House was a small price to pay for Boston in their acquisition of Nate Robinson. Well done, Mr. Ainge.

Houston Rockets: Today was a win on two counts for the Rockets. First, they were able to snag Kevin Martin away from Sacramento. Martin struggled to coexist with Tyreke Evans in Sac-town, but he will thrive alongside Aaron Brooks in Houston. Secondly, the Rockets were able to rid themselves of the overrated distraction that is Tracy McGrady. So for G.M. Daryl Morey, today was a fantastic day.

Dallas Mavericks: This trade happened well before Thursday's deadline, but it is still worth noting: Caron Butler and Brendan Haywood have arrived in Big D at the expense of Josh Howard, a talented player who also had a knack for being complacent on the court. What a spectacular trade for Rick Carlisle's Mavs. Butler never got the recognition he deserved in Washington for being an efficient scoring threat night in and night out. And Haywood gives the Mavs a much-needed inside presence. This trade doesn't quite bring the Mavs to the level of the Lakers and Nuggets out West, but it makes them the dark horse pick to upset those two teams and reach the Finals.

Portland Trail Blazers: Now this blogger still believes that the Blazers are the fourth best team in the loaded Northwest division, behind Denver, Utah, and Oklahoma City. But the Marcus Camby trade practically ensures Portland of a playoff spot in the West. And as crazy as it may sound, any playoff team in the West can make a deep run. Camby may be on the downside of his career, but he is still stellar defensively, and he will help the Blazers this season. However, while the Blazers will never regret saying goodbye to Steve Blake, they could regret parting ways with Travis Outlaw, a player with a promising future. But this is a trade for the present, and by those standards, it is a success.


New York Knicks: Granted, today was a financial win for Donnie Walsh and the Knicks, as the organization looks to clear cap space in hopes of luring big free agents this summer. But does anyone honestly believe that the likes of LeBron, Wade, and Bosh will be more inclined to join the Knicks simply because they acquired Tracy McGrady, a past-his-prime, self-centered, injury-prone burden? I don't think so.

Miami Heat: So your superstar (Dwayne Wade) has continually threatened to leave if you don't do anything to improve your team, yet you sit back and do nothing at the trade deadline. You went after Carlos Boozer and failed. You went after Amare Stoudamire and failed. Unless Pat Riley can grab Chris Bosh in the offseason, it looks like D-Wade may be purchasing a plane ticket out of South Beach.

Orlando Magic: The Cavs improved, the Celtics improved, the Magic stayed the same. They may pay the price of their inactivity come playoff time.


The 2010 Winter Olympic Games have been widely criticized on many levels. You will find no such complaints here at TJB Sports Universe. Sure, the weather conditions in Vancouver have been less than ideal, but the city still serves as a stunningly beautiful host. I love everything about the Olympics. So while cranky curmudgeons will continue to complain, I will be rooting on Team U.S.A each night, ready to witness the incredible skills of Shaun White, Apolo Ono, Lindsey Vonn, Johnny Weir, Shani Davis, and Bode Miller. I will continue to be glued to the television every night. Yes, I will even watch every minute of figure skating and curling. I love it all. The Olympics are one of the most consistently exhilarating events in the world. Case closed.

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