Thursday, July 10, 2008

Manny Being Manny: He may be crazy, but he's good for baseball.


As I walked through the streets of Boston this morning on a spectacular July day, it dawned on me that there is no area enjoying as much athletic prowess as Beantown. Not that I didn't already know this, but actually being in the city and seeing all the Red Sox and Celtics hats made me believe this more than ever. Something else dawned on me as I toured Boston while proudly wearing my Giants cap: No other city has anybody quite like Manny Ramirez. And I'm not talking exclusively about athletes. No other city has a person, regardless of their profession, as wacky and free-spirited as Boston's All-Star left fielder. Manny's oddities are never in short supply. Last year, when the Red Sox trailed the Indians three games to one in the ALCS, Manny told reporters that it wasn't the end of the world because it was just a game, causing many to accuse him of not caring. A couple of weeks ago, Manny got into a brouhaha with a team official and ended up shoving him to the ground. And yesterday, Mr. Ramirez decided to take a break between innings to chat on his cell phone in the Green Monster. Once again, there are those who are calling him careless. Careless? Possibly. Good for baseball? Absolutely.

I'm not saying I condone all of Manny's actions, but it is great to have a professional athlete who lets his hair down, literally and metaphorically. In an era when many pros seem to forget the fun part of sports, Manny is always having a blast. Can his comments be debatable and completely ridiculous? Sure. But even when he says it is just a game, even when he appears to be more invested in his cell phone conversation, Manny always cares. Make no mistake about it. Just because he is relaxed doesn't mean he isn't playing hard. Manny cares just as much as the next guy. He just chooses to have fun, even in the most serious of situations.

I disagree with many of Ramirez's actions, but even when I am shaking my head in disbelief as Manny is hiding in the Green Monster, part of me is also smiling. With a deadly dull commish in Bud Selig, baseball is better off with guys like Manny. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Embrace the sublime weirdness that is Manny Ramirez.

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