Friday, May 14, 2010

The Man We Once Called King

We called him King. He was the best player in the game on the best team in the league. He wasn't merely the face of the franchise; he was the face of the league and the face of an entire city. The only thing missing from his accomplished resume was a championship ring, but that was almost certain to change. The Cleveland Cavaliers were the prohibitive favorites to win it all, and LeBron James was destined to lead them to the promise land.

Or so we thought. For the second consecutive season, the Cavs exited early from the playoffs after having the best record in the regular season. Last season, the woeful inadequacies of the Cavs' supporting cast was the main reason for their downfall. This year, however, the vast majority of the blame falls on the shoulders of LeBron James. Sure, it's not as if LeBron has an all-star collection of players surrounding him. But the Cavs didn't lose to the Celtics because of their supporting cast---in fact, Mo Williams and Anderson Varajao played very well in Game 6. They lost because the person whom we all assumed was the game's premier player played with a stunning lack of energy and initiative. The disappointment doesn't spring from the fact that LeBron had a couple of off-nights in Games 5 and 6. Rather, the disappointment springs from the fact that he just didn't seem to give a damn. In Games 5 and 6, LeBron was a careless admirer, seemingly more interested in his free-agent offseason than in beating the Celtics.

Here's hoping that LeBron James stays in Cleveland this offseason. Because if he bolts for New York or Chicago or New Jersey, he will have turned his back on the city of Cleveland, and the fans that have been so loyal to him over the years. LeBron James can't let his last impression in a Cavs uniform be that of a tired, punchless wanderer. LeBron James owes the city of Cleveland far more than that.

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