Thursday, November 5, 2009

John Sterling's Gorilla Chant, and Hating Brett Favre

Today is a day of celebration for the New York Yankees. The Bronx Bombers are deserving world champions, and by no means do I want to dampen the celebratory mood. However, the organization has one glaring flaw that needs to be addressed immediately, and that is broadcaster John Sterling. The radio voice of the Yankees has always been a joke, known for his excruciatingly cheesy home run calls and embarrassing gorilla chants at the end of each Yankee victory. Sure enough, when Mariano Rivera recorded the final out of the 2009 World Series, Sterling failed to do the moment justice. Rather than delivering a spontaneous ode to the Yankees' 27th championship, Sterling proceeded with the same tired, staged shtick, yelling like an inebriated caveman the words, "Thuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh Yankeees win! Thuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh Yankees win! This is a disgrace. An organization as iconic and celebrated as the Yankees deserve a better announcer.


Much to my dismay, Brett Favre continues to silence his skeptics. He has led the Minnesota Vikings to a 7-1 start, and no win has been more satisfying than the Vikings Week 8 victory in Favre's triumphant return to Lambeau Field. With the electrifying greatness of Adrian Peterson and Percy Harvin, the Vikings are an elite team. And as much as I would like to say otherwise, Brett Favre has been playing fantastic football.

Does this mean that I've changed my view of Favre? Absolutely, 100 percent no. I still take great pleasure in hating Number 4, and his recent success has only added more fuel to my dislike of him. Brett Favre's success on the football field does not change the fact that he is a petulant egomaniac who holds teams hostage every offseason. The adoring sports media portrays Favre as a holy saint, but don't let that fool you. Brett Favre is every bit as selfish as Terrell Owens. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, regardless of how many touchdowns he throws or how many wins he brings to Minnesota.

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