Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Random Observations: NBA Finals Edition

In the words of the great San Francisco Chronicle sports columnist Scott Ostler, here are my deep thoughts, cheap shots, and bon mots:

---And then there were two. The Orlando Magic and Los Angeles Lakers battle for championship glory beginning tomorrow night at the Staples Center. I'm terrible at predictions, but just for the heck of it, I'll go with my heart: Magic in 6. Beat LA!!!

---This should be a fantastic series. Orlando, led by the unstoppable Dwight Howard, is an incredibly dangerous team, and if the threes keep falling, Stan Van Gundy's team will pose some serious problems for the Lakers. On the other side, there is Kobe Bryant, and as much as I dislike the guy, his presence in the Finals will make for spectacular drama.

---It will be interesting to see how the two defenses react to Dwight Howard and Kobe Bryant. Phil Jackson will use Andrew Bynum and Pau Gasol as his Superman stoppers, while Stan Van Gundy will likely start Mikael Pietrus on Kobe. Pietrus will likely fare better than Bynum and Gasol, judging by his admirable defensive effort against LeBron James in the Eastern Conference finals.

---Speaking of LeBron, there is no excuse for that display of poor sportsmanship at the end of Game 6 against the Magic. James is the best player in the NBA, and he has every right to be frustrated with the lack of support from his teammates. But just because you're justifiably upset does not mean that it's okay to bolt out of the arena like a bitter schoolgirl.

---Are the well-publicized rumors of Jameer Nelson's return true? I certainly hope so. Nelson is probably rusty after four months off the court, and he would be backing up Rafer Alston if he returns in this series. However, even with limited production, Nelson can provide emotional uplift for the underdog Magic.

---I was very impressed with the play of Lamar Odom in games five and six against Denver. Odom, a player who occasionally puts in lackluster effort, fully realized his talent in those two games. However, he might have a heart attack on the court if he keeps gorging on candy every day. Odom's sugar-heavy diet is likely to cause him problems once his career is over.

---Shaq says via Twitter that he wants Kobe to win another championship. In other news, Latrell Spreewell says that he and P.J. Carlisimo are best friends.

---Dwight and Kobe are the two stars, but my two key players in this series are Rashard Lewis and Pau Gasol.

---Every time I glance at the Lakers bench, I am reminded of the sad plight of Adam Morrison. After a stellar college career at Gonzaga, Morrison was praised by some as the second coming of Larry Bird. Now, he is nothing more than a forgettable bench warmer.

---I hate the Lakers, but I love Jack Nicholson. I wish more celebrities were as devoted to their sports teams as Jack is with his beloved purple and gold.

---The Finals feature a hilarious contrast between the two head coaches. On one side you have Phil Jackson, a Hall of Famer whose extreme calm makes him a living advertisement for Xanax. On the other side you have Stan Van Gundy, a coach whose frantic intensity makes Bobby Knight blush.

---So sit back, relax, and enjoy the NBA Finals. And remember........Go Magic!!!

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